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New Life Family and Friends,

In July of 2025 we will officially be 5 years old! Can you believe it? When I reflect on
everything that God has allowed us to accomplish in just a few years’ time, the first words that come to mind are “look at what the Lord has done!”

When we began our church at the height of a global pandemic (talk about faith in God) our goal was simple: to create a space where God’s people could Belong, Believe, and Become everything that He has intended for them to be. By God’s grace, we have accomplished and exceeded that goal.

Each week, lives are being changed by the life-giving ministry that God so faithfully pours out through our church.

  • Children and youth are growing in Christ because of the incredible work
    of our NextGen Team.
  • The physical needs of those within our church and community are being
    met because of our commitment to missions and outreach.
  • Meaningful, life-changing connections are being established through the
    gatherings that happen in our small groups.
  • On Sunday mornings, people from all over the world are being impacted
    by God’s ministry through our church both in person and online.

We can truly say: “what a mighty God we serve!” We couldn’t be more grateful for all that God has done. But we also know this: Greater is Coming! As our ministry has grown, so has our need for more space.

We’ve been blessed to find an incredible temporary home at the Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center. But what God is accomplishing through our ministry, exceeds the space that the LBSAC is able to provide. To say it plainly-we’re out of room. Even with the addition of a 9AM worship experience, because of God’s favor, we’re literally bursting at the seams. It’s clear that for the great work that God has begun through our church to continue, we need to acquire our own permanent church home. It’s for that cause that we ask you to join us, as we embark on our very first Capital Campaign!

Statement of Purpose

Building a Home for God’s Glory

The goal of our campaign is simple: to raise the funds needed to acquire property that will serve as a home for our church and a hub for our community.

This campaign will position us to move forward when God reveals the land or building that He’s already declared to be ours! Our new home will be far more than a “church building.” It will be a literal hub for both church and community members, providing environments designed to offer solutions for nearly every aspect of God’s people’s lives. Envision a location that houses:

  • spaces specially curated for children and families
  • places where you can grab a bite to eat or something to drink
  • a business hub offering collaborative workspaces to members of the church and community
  • a place to exercise the body
  • a place to acquire books and resources to expand the mind
  • and, of course, a space where we can gather to worship and feed our spirits and souls

We’ve always had a heart for outreach to our community. With our own property-we’ll be able to position ourselves to serve God’s people all week long!

Our Capital Campaign Dream

We are prayerfully seeking to raise $3,000,000 during this campaign. With those resources, we will be fully prepared to take the next step in our journey and secure the
space needed for our church to continue to grow.

Our ask is that you’ll join us by making a financial contribution to help us achieve our goal, as we trust in God’s provision, move forward in faith and take our first steps toward acquiring our first permanent church home. Greater is Coming and we can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store!


Pastor Omari K. Hughes
Lead Pastor, New Life Church, Inc.